
Tongzhou District Is The First Bridge | School Culture And Robot Museum Open!

Our country is the country of bridge and the hometown of bridge culture. Which is originated in Sui, popular in Song. The bridge is the extension of the road. with practical functions and convenient communication; The bridge is the highlight of the scene.with artistic function and pleasing to the eye; Bridge is the concrete image of feeling, with cultural functions and rich connotations.


Bridge Museum, relying on the location advantage of the Grand Canal, Tongzhou Campus of the Affiliated High School of Beijing Institute of Technology combines curriculum with activities, learning and life to highlight A-STEM courses and multi-language education features. With the bridge of yesterday, today and the future as the main link. through searching, exploring, building, reading to understanding beauty of the bridge and feeling the thought of the bridge. You also can use other forms to discover the soul of the bridge.


Pangolin AI robot Amy takes instructions in the exhibition hall, it’s can take you to the designated place and voice explanation; use VR technology will let you immersive to show you appreciate the charm of technology;By scanning the QR code, English, Japanese, Russian and Western four languages online interpretation. using multiple languages in one school. Through 3D printing and hand-made bridge models in order to used artistic techniques to create painting, paper cutting, imitation copper light clay painting, calligraphy and other types of art works showing highlighting the “handsome and elegant” atmosphere image.




Through pictures, texts and objects to feel a bridge.this is a story, its can ceaseless context. From ancient to modern is a period of history which as a mirror to know this is a kind of culture.its can be own beauty and learn from each other. In addition, with the addition of intelligent AI robots, these traditional cultures become more vivid.


The City Bridge of science fiction wall in the exhibition hall, which is composed of the Chinese character “future”which is selected from 649 science fiction works of primary and secondary school students from 11 provinces and cities .such as Beijing, Zhejiang, Chongqing, Guangdong, Sichuan and so on. Amy reception robot will lead each visitor to introduce and explain one by one. All the walls are based on children’s scientific knowledge and phenomena to imagine .they are using painting language and creativity to express reverie and hope which is refer to look forward to the universe and future social life science .


The Bridges of life connect the roads. The bridge of technology connects the future. The Bridges of the mind connect each other. We take the bridge as the symbol, through the solidification of the results and the activation of the exhibits to show cultural heritage and scientific excellence for students .To felling the power of inheritance and highlight the charm of science. we should adhere to the confidence of culture and the pursuit of spiritual communication. so as to realize the bridge from the “visible bridge” to the “invisible bridge”.


Pangolin reception robot as a representative service robot which has the most advanced computer speech processing system. including small talk language library + industry professional language library, barrier-free mode to communicate with visitors to provide intelligent and accurate reply. In addition, it can also customize language system of the scene to quickly understand the complex environment and realize zero error explanation and guidance. Guests can use microphones to ask a variety of questions for robot. Conversations can be tailored to the user’s needs and its also responds with humorous language. Through man-machine dialogue, we can show people content of this activity or celebration.At the same time also show robot service displayed to the guests face to face .not only increasing the participation and entertainment of the guests but also producing a good interactive effect. So as to get everyone’s praise!

Post time: Apr-12-2023